STORY: Henry Fischel was the first person who invented the "EXAMS". Please forward to all students.. He has spoilt the fun of our life. OTHER VERSIONS This is Henry Mishel - the first American person who invented the "EXAMS". HOAX OR FACT: Possibly Hoax. ANALYSIS: These picture messages shared online in various versions and languages claim to show an American person called Henry Fischel (or Henry Mishel) who supposedly is the first person to invent Exams. The claims are possibly hoax. CONCEPT OF EXAMS The first country to implement a nationwide standardized test was ancient China. Called as the imperial examination, established by the Sui Dynasty in 605 AD, it was meant to select able candidates for specific governmental positions. This system was abolished by the Qing Dynasty 1300 years later in 1905, but England adopted this examination system in 1806 for Her Majesty's Civil Service, and was later applied to education, which further ...